Where can I change the grind option on my subscription?Updated a year ago
Yes, you can change the grind option on your subscription. Follow the steps below to change the grind option:
- Sign in to your account by clicking on the Account link.
- Once on the Account page, Click on Subscriptions.
- On the Manage Your Subscription page, click on the Edit button in the Items menu.
- Click on the Add Item button.
- Search for the desired coffee with the new grind option and click the Add button.
- On the next screen, remove the item you wish to replace by clicking on the Remove link. Confirm the changes by clicking on the Save button.
In addition, you can add a one-time purchase, add new subscription items, and adjust quantities.
If you have any further questions or concerns about updating the grind option on your subscription, please don't hesitate to contact us through the online chat located at the bottom of this page.